Tips to Create a Stunning Winter Wedding Bouquet

Tips to Create a Stunning Winter Wedding Bouquet


Red roses are a traditional part of a winter wedding. They symbolize love and passion. But, if you prefer something other than roses, there are numerous non-traditional color themes that go well with your winter wedding. Here our florist in Charlottesville VA, lists some tips to choose flowers with a modern touch and seasonal accent to create an elegant winter wedding look.

Don’t Stick to Red Alone

Many couples believe that using red flowers and green foliage alone helps them create a perfect wintery theme for their wedding. But you can try white blooms paired with pops of color to take your seasonal event to the next level. You can choose anything from neutral to dark colors to create clean and beautiful floral arrangements that stand out from the crowd.

Add Roses

Roses symbolize romance and love. They can be a perfect addition to your winter wedding theme. But you can choose from a variety of new and exciting colors and create a unique style bouquet. There are lovely garden roses and two-toned tea roses that would take your florals to the next level of gorgeous!

Work on Creating More Color Combinations

As mentioned earlier, reds, greens, and white aren’t your only color choices available for your winter wedding. Winter bouquets and floral arrangements can be flexible, and you can try on different color combinations that go well with your theme.

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Burgundy and blush are the most trending color combination, and can be used with other blooms to give a sense of winter drama. For example, you can add purple flowers to elevate the look of your bouquet and floral arrangements. You can also go with mauve, brown, blue, peach, or green for a smooth transition from one color gradient to another.

Add More Texture

Do you want a lush bouquet for your winter wedding? If yes, go big on texture to add a lush look during the frosty months. You can add white peonies, dusty miller, and more to create a bouquet that’s truly a show stopper.

Modern Additions

Incorporating flowers that highlight the focal colors of the important blooms is becoming a popular trend these days. Some of the trending exotic and tropical accents used are,

  • Carnations – These flowers signify pure love and good luck.
  • Eucalyptus – They are the symbol of protection.
  • Star of Bethlehem – It’s the most popular winter wedding flower and stands for hope and honesty.
  • Succulents – They signify timeless love.
  • Dahlias – These tropical flowers represent a strong bond.
  • Peonies – These blooms are popular for their beauty and stand for happiness and love.

If you are planning a wedding during the frosty months and looking for perfect-fitting winter flowers, visit now. Same-day flower delivery in Charlottesville VA available.

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